
Check out these short blogs that provide a look into the ways ADHD challenges our lives and how the Framework can begin to help you move from surviving to thriving!

Time Insensitivity

"Hang on a second! I just have one more thing to do before we leave… besides, we have plenty of time…"

The Li-t-tle Do-g-gy Barked

Mrs. Lampman was one of my favourite school teachers, but she plays a lead role in one of the most traumatic events in my early educational experience...

Brain Farts & Rabbit Trails

I had a meeting on the weekend with a prospective client (we’ll call him Dave), but I didn’t meet with Dave. I chatted with his wife (let’s call her Jenn) while we waited for Dave...

Never Stop Starting Over

Ever wonder why there are so many cliche’s encouraging persistence, determinatino and resilience...

Sticky Note Memory

At age 8, Mom asked me to go downstairs and fetch a scoop of food for Pincess, our family pet. I penciled a rough sketch of a dog and a bowl on a sticky note and stuck it to my forehead...

Johnny Has Done This a Hundred Times

“Johnny, I know you can do this properly. I’ve seen you do it a hundred times! Stop being lazy"…

Samantha’s Cliffs (for those recently diagnosed)

Samantha had not been on this journey very long and, so far, the only obstacles she had encountered were not anything she couldn’t crawl over or undre. But just ahead, she could see that the familiar world she had known would soon disappear...

Attention, Interest & Importance in ADHD

Oddly, ADHD’s inability to control attention (focus) can manifest itself in a rapid switching from one distraction to another; or, conversely, one’s attention may be so completely locked onto one thing that it seems nothing short of an explosion will get their attention...

Hyperactivity/Impulsive ADHD

Hyperactivity and Impulsivity are often the earliest discernible symptoms of ADHD. The little girl who can’t sit still like the other childern in her class… The boy on the playground who steals toys...

Inattentive/Distractible ADHD

The Inattentive/Distractible symptoms of ADHD are lumped under the heading “Inattentive” in the diagnostic manual. They are the result of the same brain function and refer to the inability to control one’s attention...

4 Study Strategies

4 ADHD-friendly strategies to keep your term on track