ADHD Coaching
Apply the ADHD Inside Out Framework
with Expert Help
ADHD Inside Out Coaching will help you understand how ADHD is affecting your world, and how to develop tools and strategies that are specific to your situation.
ADHD Inside Out is scaling back on coaching activity in order to leverage consulting services by training more coaching, educators, and therapists to understand and respond to ADHD using the ADHD Inside Out Framework.
Since coaching is most efficient for adults, coaching will only be available for adults, parents, and students in grade 11/12 (Ireland 5/6 year) or post-secondary.
Explore the Scheduler for pricing/availability
About Coaching
Coaching conversations are quite casual, so you won't feel like you are being diagnosed or analyzed. Your coach will be more interested in hearing your life stories than your medical history; although your medical history is a small part of your life story.
It is a good idea to prepare for coaching by thinking about what you would like to achieve overall from the coaching experience, and each coaching conversation should be considered a step towards that overall goal. (see FAQ's below)
ADHD Inside Out Framework coaching conversations will also include some educational dialogue about ADHD when appropriate. This is especially true near the beginning of the coaching experience where the coach will help you understand your experiences through an accurate Inside Out perspective, and then to build strategies based on that better perspective. The educational information shared is always supportive of the goals you have established.
The educational part of conversations can be minimized by taking advantage of the personal Learning options available elsewhere on this website where you can watch videos or attend seminars designed to make the complicated world of ADHD more user friendly.
Coaching Packages are available through the Coaching Scheduler (above) and provide you with a 50% discount on any of the online videos or live seminars.
Coaching FAQ's
What are typical Coaching goals?
The most common coaching goals of the client include:
- Productivity Improvements - organizing, prioritizing, planning, scheduling, and executing plans & schedules, etc.
- Stress Reduction - emotional control, relationships, workload, overwhelming schedules/expectations, etc.
- Personal & Interpersonal Improvements - self-confidence, autonomy, advocacy, empathy, communication, etc.
Who attends Coaching appointments?
As mentioned above, my coaching is now tailored to adults, parents, and students in post-secondary or preparing for post-secondary education. Within that scope, you can decide who attends each coaching conversation.
The person being coached can be an individual with ADHD, and/or anyone looking to support that individual. (spouse, educator, employer, etc)
How long are Coaching appointments?
Coaching usually begins with weekly or bi-weekly 45 minute conversations.
After a few appointments, once the individual begins to feel capable of self-coaching, clients often reduce the duration of the conversations to 15 or 30 minute check-ins here and there to discuss or review very specific topics.
Should Personal Learning options come before ADHD Coaching?
Any of the Personal Learning options can be experienced as you begin Coaching.
A 15 minute video introducing the ADHD Inside Out Framework will be sent to you in your appointment confirmation email, which you will benefit from watching before your appointment. It will provide enough basic information for clients to begin working with an ADHD Inside Out Coach, but your Coach will spend more time in your conversations catching you up to speed with the Framework as time goes by.
If you want to get a better Coaching head start, the Understand & Respond to ADHD option in the Learning tab will give you a much better understanding of ADHD as well as the Framework that your Coach will be working from. It’s only a 2 hour committment and comes with reference material that will be helpful in your Coaching conversations. You could easily view these videos without delaying your Coaching experience.
How long before I will see change happen?
Change in perspective and hopefulness usually takes place at the start. It quickly becomes change in action, behaviour, and energy as the client begins to gain momentum from the “Inside Out."
The total duration of a coach/client relationship is very open ended. About 30% of clients feel 4-6 sessions is adequate to “get going,” often connecting again later when life throws them a curve. The bulk of my client base continues with the 6 hour package following those initial 4-6 sessions. About 10% continue on after that, often reducing to 30 minute check-ins, or some other reduced time.
What is the ADHD Inside Out approach to Coaching?
It would be easy to conclude that ADHD Coaching is about helping someone get rid of their ADHD symptoms, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Reducing ADHD symptoms is what almost everyone in the world of ADHD is already doing, and it won’t work. It can’t work. (The Coaching intro video will explain this).
ADHD Inside Out Coaching focuses on pursuing success rather than avoiding failure. It helps clients thrive in life by leveraging personal strengths together with ADHD strengths. This requires some understanding of what those strengths are, of course.
Your Coach will help guide conversations that unveil personal strengths, while building an understanding of your unique ADHD strengths that will increase success.
In the end, ADHD symptoms will be reduced, but this only works as a by-product of a strength-based approach.
What is the Inside Out Framework?
The ADHD Inside Out Framework gives you plain language to understand ADHD, and tools and strategies to respond to ADHD in a helpful, respectful, and productive way.
The Framework provides solutions to the 2 Critical Problems in the world of ADHD (explained below).
The Framework is made up of 4 "Modules", which can be learned through the Personal Learning or Pro Training options on this website.
Read about the 4 Framework Modules on the FAQ Page.
What are the 2 Critical Problems & Solutions in the world of ADHD?
Problem #1:ADHD looks like something it isn’t.
Solution #1:Understanding what ADHDactuallyis with the “Framework Idea."
Problem #2:People respond to ADHD based on what it looks like, rather than what it is.
Solution #2:Responding to ADHD with the “Framework System."